
InvisalignCleburne, TX

Invisalign® is an attractive alternative to traditional metal braces. These clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them one of the most discreet orthodontic options available. For many patients, Invisalign can be just as effective as conventional braces while remaining less aesthetically obtrusive.

Invisalign is available at Tennison Orthodontics in Cleburne and the surrounding area. We can help find the most effective orthodontic treatment plan for your lifestyle. Call us today at 817-522-7358 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

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Understanding Invisalign

Invisalign’s parent company, Align Technology, was founded in 1997 when the founders were attempting to utilize technology for straightening teeth. Once they realized that the technology behind retainers could also be applied to the entire orthodontic treatment process, they began to seek developers for their new venture — and the rest, as they say, is history.

With over two decades of scientific research on its side, the Invisalign system is arguably the most popular and advanced transparent aligner system worldwide. To date, it has served over nine million people — 2.3 million of them being teens. The system utilizes innovative, patented virtual modeling software and materials to create a series of custom-made aligners for each patient. Only Invisalign offers SmartTrack® material, SmartStaging® technology, and SmartForce® features to deliver gentle but precise results.

The Invisalign Treatment Process

There are only three basic steps involved in the Invisalign treatment process: (1) the initial appointment, (2) the first fitting, and (3) smile maintenance. During the initial consultation, Dr. Tennison will use the iTero Element® scanner to take a quick and precise 3D digital scan of the patient’s teeth. He will then begin devising a custom treatment plan tailored for the patient’s unique needs. Afterward, the patient will proceed to their first fitting.

During the first fitting, Dr. Tennison will carefully examine the patient’s smile to ensure an accurate fit. Once he has confirmed the fit, the patient will need to come in for regular checkups and to pick up their next set of aligners. For most patients, this occurs every six to eight weeks. Once the patient has completed treatment, they will need to wear a Vivera® retainer to maintain their results. Like the Invisalign trays, these aligners are custom-made for each patient’s mouth. The unique materials are also 30% stronger than other retainers, ensuring a long-lasting smile.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Invisalign

There is a reason Invisalign has remained popular over all these years. Still, it is crucial to consider all the pros and cons of any medical treatment before making a final decision. The most obvious advantage of Invisalign is that it is discreet. Additionally, the removable trays make it easy for patients to eat and clean their teeth. However, these advantages can come at a cost: Invisalign may be more expensive than traditional braces, and removable trays can be lost or broken (meaning patients have to spend more time and money on treatment overall).

Invisalign may also cause mouth discomfort and achiness, though this is also true of conventional braces. Moreover, treatment with Invisalign can be even faster and just as effective than treatment with traditional braces for some patients. Invisalign also typically requires fewer trips to the dentist’s office and moves teeth more gradually than metal braces. Some patients find that this results in less pain than any discomfort associated with traditional braces.

Caring for Invisalign

Since Invisalign trays are removable, it is typically relatively easy for patients to maintain their treatment. They do not have to make any drastic changes to their diet, stop playing any sports, or find any workarounds to maintain a good oral hygiene routine. Though some patients may need to make some minor adjustments to their lifestyle, most find that the only significant change is to stay on track with their treatment schedule. In other words, they must wear their aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day, removing them only when absolutely necessary.

Aligner trays will also need to be switched out every one to two weeks, and Dr. Tennnison will provide routine check-ups every six to eight weeks to ensure the treatment is proceeding as planned. As mentioned earlier, patients will also pick up their next set of aligners during these visits. Finally, in addition to maintaining a good oral hygiene routine, patients should rinse their aligners nightly and brush them gently with a toothbrush to keep them clean.

Length of Invisalign Treatment

No two patients are the same — and neither are any two Invisalign treatments. Various factors may influence the length of one’s treatment: how complicated the patient’s case is, how often they wear their aligners, and more. By carefully examining each patient’s medical history, current condition, and any other relevant information, Dr. Tennison can help determine just how long a patient’s treatment will take.

On average, however, most patients take about 12 to 18 months to finish treatment. Still, it is not uncommon to start seeing results in a matter of weeks. Those with more severe alignment issues, crowded teeth, or gaps in teeth may require a longer treatment time. Speaking directly with Dr. Tennison is the best way for a patient to understand what to expect.

Call Us Today

If you have been thinking about getting orthodontic treatment, do not delay. We at Tennison Orthodontics can help. Call us today at 817-522-7358 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Invisalign trays made of?

Invisalign trays are made of a flexible, patented thermoplastic material called SmartTrack. It is an FDA-approved material that was created exclusively for the Invisalign system. Plus, it is free of any BPA, BPS, latex, and gluten.

How does Invisalign work?

After taking a 3D digital scan of your teeth, Dr. Tennison will create a digital treatment plan personalized to your needs. The lab will create clear aligners that are custom-made for your teeth and designed to place the right amount of pressure to the right place at the right time for your plan. Through periodic check-ups, Dr. Tennison will ensure that your treatment is going as planned.

Am I a good candidate for Invisalign?

Teenaged and adult non-smokers with mild to moderate malocclusion or teeth spacing issues are the best candidates for Invisalign. Smoking may discolor the aligners, thus defeating the purpose of an “invisible” look. Children are typically not good candidates for Invisalign, as their teeth are still developing, and some elderly candidates may not have the necessary manual dexterity to switch out their aligners.

What should I do if I lose or break one of my Invisalign trays?

Call us immediately. We will do everything we can to keep you on track with your treatment plan. You may need to wear a previous set of aligners, your next set of aligners, or order replacement aligners until your next appointment. 

How long will I need to wear my retainer?

It depends on a case-by-case basis. However, most patients typically wear the first set full-time before gradually transitioning into only wearing them at night. Dr. Tennison can answer any questions you may have about your retainers.

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Contact Us

Tennison Orthodontics is located at
843 N Nolan River Rd
Cleburne, TX

(817) 522-7358